Advanced W3X Configurator v2
- Version Switcher
- Warcraft 3 Registry Fixer
- Config Video (Suport for news monitors: LCD/LED and HD resolution)
- Config Sound (Setting to improve sound quality effects)
What it do:
- Version Switcher 100%, and much better than wvs and others;- Link with all versions of war3, compatible with "Warcraft Version Switcher [wvs]";- Warcraft 3 Registry Fixer (Allow you to do official updates without problem, even if your Warcraft is copied from another pc);- Allow you to set the resolution that you want, and not the war3 limited one. (IMPROVE GRAPHIC QUALITY IN NEW MONITORS);- Allow you to do many changes on war3 config, without need open the game first;
- Extremely easy to use, look screenshots.