ABCD version
Suggested Players: 10
Genre: Mix (Arena, Tower, and Xmas Mode)
Map Update Notes:
+ General
- Added/re-enabled new x-mas character, Aru the Santa Descendant (update)
- Added new game mode X-Mas Mode (update)
- Overall script has been updated, reduce lags when playing (No AI related) (adjustment)
- DC Bug randomly still occur, it still monitored by us for further investigation (postponed)
+ AI
- AI script has been updated, slightly reduce lags when playing with AI. It still monitored by us for further investigation (adjustment, postponed)
+ Character Update
Aru (New character addition, only via random)
- Santa's Descendant (D)
Passively, Aru has more chance to acquire good present.
Actively, Aru gives a present to a character.
- Nice Present (Q)
Aru throw her present bag to targeted area, dealing magic damage to nearby enemy units.
Additionally, 4 presents and up to 4 explosives will also come out from her bag; Explosives deals physical damage when expired.
- Present Exchange (W)
Passively improves Aru's presents.
Actively, Aru sends her pet penguin Carol to march towards a targeted unit, collecting presents from all characters that comes in contact with Carol; Characters who does not have any present will have their HP, Mana, and Gold taken by Carol as special present.
After that, Carol will return and randomly distrubute present from its collection to all characters it comes in contact.
- Nice 'Ka Ching' Feeling (E)
Passively, whenever an enemy dies within range of Aru, she gains additional bounty.
Additionally, whenever Aru gains certain gold, she also gains stack; Each Ka-Chin stack provides presents with bonus cash based on number of Ka-Ching stacks.
- Holy Night (R)
Passively enables Aru to use Warm Area and renders her immune from the effects of Holy Night.
Actively, Aru calls forth a snowstorm that deals pure damage every second to all characters.
Affected units will gain stack per 0.5 second, each causing a reduced HP and MP Regen; Stacks up to 20 times, reduces stack when taking damage.
Once every 3 seconds, if an affected unit has at least 7 stacks(15 if has present), it will be frozen for second; Frozen will be instantly killed when taking damage below a certain threshold.
- Asuna (Q) damage scale reduced from +300% INT to +200% INT (nerf)
- Asuna (Q) Amplify damage scale reduced from now 10(+10) to 10(+5) (nerf)
- Asuna (W) base damage reduced from 40(+40) to 10(+40) (nerf)
- Asuna (R) cast range reduced from 1000(+200) to 750(+200) (nerf)
- Asuna (R) damage now will not give any bonus in leveling (adjusment)
- Asuna (R) stun duration rescaled from 2 to 1(+0.25) (adjustment)
- Asuna (R) manacost now increased per level (adjustment)
- BRS (R) AOE/Range reduced from (200/1000) to (150/600) (nerf)
- Louise (R) cooldown increased from 60 to 120 (nerf)
- Shana (W) pulling stat differences increased from 25 to 35
- Shana (W) damage scale reduced from 200(+25)%INT to 200(+15)%INT (nerf)
- Shana (W) cooldown rescaled from 13(-0.5) to 15(-1) (adjustment)
- Shana (W) cast range increased from 700(+100) to 1000(+50) (buff)
- Shana (E) aoe slightly increased (adjustment)
- Shana (E) collision aoe slightly reduced (adjustment)
- Shana (E) travel time slightly increased (adjustment)
- Shana (R) damage per wave reduced from 100(+50)+[75%INT] to 75(+40)+[40%INT] (nerf)
- Shana (R) cooldown reduced from 70 to 60 (adjustment)
- Shana (R) manacost reduced from 200(+50) to 150(+45) (adjustment)
+ Item
- Death Note stat gain reduced from 50 to 40 (nerf)
+ Tower Mode
- Tower and Main Building now received a custom health bar as well (clarity)
- Tower model has been updated for better visual (clarity)
+ X-Mas Mode (New Mode)
- Each team objective is to bring Presents to Aru
- Present can be dropped from Killing a creep 5% chance, Clearing a creep camp 100% chance
- Each character can only carry up to 5 presents, On death all presents will be dropped
- Aru is moving to different place, once every 2 minutes
- Right-click Aru to transfer the present
- Aru can't be played in this mode
Anime Battle Characters(ABC) project started from 2008 and finally released at October 2010.
Alpha, Beta, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4.1 and finally the latest 1.4.2 which canceled.
ABC ended at early 2013 due of Deckai's sudden retirement.
We would like to express our thanks all the players that played ABC till now, and still supporting us for these few years. Now its time to leave the old ABC into deep-sea vault.
But, that's not the end...
Rejoice! For the sequel of ABC, Anime Battle Characters Deux (ABCD) project, which started at May 2013 with partnership of 8uY_YoU, will soon be knocking on your Warcraft 3's doorstep with brand new up-to-date engines of your favorited anime hero arena map, bringing you a whole-new level of otaku gaming experience.
Notes: Please be aware this release is only a beta map, thus there will be tons of bugs, unbalanced games, and many unwanted things. We really appreciate the help of you guys to post and report to us so we can fix it on next version of map.
Suggested Players: 10
Genre: Mix (Arena, Tower, and Xmas Mode)
Map Update Notes:
+ General
- Added/re-enabled new x-mas character, Aru the Santa Descendant (update)
- Added new game mode X-Mas Mode (update)
- Overall script has been updated, reduce lags when playing (No AI related) (adjustment)
- DC Bug randomly still occur, it still monitored by us for further investigation (postponed)
+ AI
- AI script has been updated, slightly reduce lags when playing with AI. It still monitored by us for further investigation (adjustment, postponed)
+ Character Update
Aru (New character addition, only via random)
- Santa's Descendant (D)
Passively, Aru has more chance to acquire good present.
Actively, Aru gives a present to a character.
- Nice Present (Q)
Aru throw her present bag to targeted area, dealing magic damage to nearby enemy units.
Additionally, 4 presents and up to 4 explosives will also come out from her bag; Explosives deals physical damage when expired.
- Present Exchange (W)
Passively improves Aru's presents.
Actively, Aru sends her pet penguin Carol to march towards a targeted unit, collecting presents from all characters that comes in contact with Carol; Characters who does not have any present will have their HP, Mana, and Gold taken by Carol as special present.
After that, Carol will return and randomly distrubute present from its collection to all characters it comes in contact.
- Nice 'Ka Ching' Feeling (E)
Passively, whenever an enemy dies within range of Aru, she gains additional bounty.
Additionally, whenever Aru gains certain gold, she also gains stack; Each Ka-Chin stack provides presents with bonus cash based on number of Ka-Ching stacks.
- Holy Night (R)
Passively enables Aru to use Warm Area and renders her immune from the effects of Holy Night.
Actively, Aru calls forth a snowstorm that deals pure damage every second to all characters.
Affected units will gain stack per 0.5 second, each causing a reduced HP and MP Regen; Stacks up to 20 times, reduces stack when taking damage.
Once every 3 seconds, if an affected unit has at least 7 stacks(15 if has present), it will be frozen for second; Frozen will be instantly killed when taking damage below a certain threshold.
- Asuna (Q) damage scale reduced from +300% INT to +200% INT (nerf)
- Asuna (Q) Amplify damage scale reduced from now 10(+10) to 10(+5) (nerf)
- Asuna (W) base damage reduced from 40(+40) to 10(+40) (nerf)
- Asuna (R) cast range reduced from 1000(+200) to 750(+200) (nerf)
- Asuna (R) damage now will not give any bonus in leveling (adjusment)
- Asuna (R) stun duration rescaled from 2 to 1(+0.25) (adjustment)
- Asuna (R) manacost now increased per level (adjustment)
- BRS (R) AOE/Range reduced from (200/1000) to (150/600) (nerf)
- Louise (R) cooldown increased from 60 to 120 (nerf)
- Shana (W) pulling stat differences increased from 25 to 35
- Shana (W) damage scale reduced from 200(+25)%INT to 200(+15)%INT (nerf)
- Shana (W) cooldown rescaled from 13(-0.5) to 15(-1) (adjustment)
- Shana (W) cast range increased from 700(+100) to 1000(+50) (buff)
- Shana (E) aoe slightly increased (adjustment)
- Shana (E) collision aoe slightly reduced (adjustment)
- Shana (E) travel time slightly increased (adjustment)
- Shana (R) damage per wave reduced from 100(+50)+[75%INT] to 75(+40)+[40%INT] (nerf)
- Shana (R) cooldown reduced from 70 to 60 (adjustment)
- Shana (R) manacost reduced from 200(+50) to 150(+45) (adjustment)
+ Item
- Death Note stat gain reduced from 50 to 40 (nerf)
+ Tower Mode
- Tower and Main Building now received a custom health bar as well (clarity)
- Tower model has been updated for better visual (clarity)
+ X-Mas Mode (New Mode)
- Each team objective is to bring Presents to Aru
- Present can be dropped from Killing a creep 5% chance, Clearing a creep camp 100% chance
- Each character can only carry up to 5 presents, On death all presents will be dropped
- Aru is moving to different place, once every 2 minutes
- Right-click Aru to transfer the present
- Aru can't be played in this mode

Alpha, Beta, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4.1 and finally the latest 1.4.2 which canceled.
ABC ended at early 2013 due of Deckai's sudden retirement.
We would like to express our thanks all the players that played ABC till now, and still supporting us for these few years. Now its time to leave the old ABC into deep-sea vault.
But, that's not the end...
Rejoice! For the sequel of ABC, Anime Battle Characters Deux (ABCD) project, which started at May 2013 with partnership of 8uY_YoU, will soon be knocking on your Warcraft 3's doorstep with brand new up-to-date engines of your favorited anime hero arena map, bringing you a whole-new level of otaku gaming experience.
Notes: Please be aware this release is only a beta map, thus there will be tons of bugs, unbalanced games, and many unwanted things. We really appreciate the help of you guys to post and report to us so we can fix it on next version of map.