September 15, 2015

Capture The Flag SC2 - Vr2.1

Map Capture The Flag SC2 - Vr2.1 Created by GhxBronie ; Uploaded by: GhxBronie


A Little Message: First, Hello to all the World, I am GhxBronie and in this chance come to present my map.

Well I'm Shy when I am new to these forums and for that reason this is my first message.


( Map Information )

<> Max 12 Players

<> Hero Arena / Mini-Game

<> Game Modes: 2

<> Duration: 10 Minutes


How to Play?

First, the Red Player will choose the Game Mode, can be:


: Neutral Flag :

The System will create One Flag, which the Two Teams must Catching this Flag and Bring in her Base.

: Red - Blue - Flag :

The Classic Mode, The System will create Two Flags, in this Case:

The Red Team must capture the Blue Flag

The Blue team must capture the Red Flag


After selecting Game Mode, you can choose the number of the catches which are:

1 - 2 - 3 - 4


( Another Tips )

Q - Throw a ShockWave, Damage: 75

E - Rocket Launch, Throw a Missile, Cause 200 of Damage.

Destroy Crates and Statues

R - Mana Regenerates 100% - Silence the ShockWave


Codes - Commands

Red Player: M(Z): Change the Music Theme

(Z) = 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 -> Example M1

All Players:

-Clear: Clean the Screen of Text Messages
-Tips: Create a Text to Help You



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