FBF is set in a completely new universe with an extensive lore that keeps growing as time goes by. It is set in a key point of the World's history: At the very end of a long war that present many great changes at social, political and religious levels. The players can choose from 2 teams and 5 different factions. The Forsaken, an ancient cult of necromancers and it's undead army, have to defend their last fortress from The Alliance (The Infidel), a coalition of human nations using their last resources to take down the Forsaken.
There is a total of 5 factions, 27 heroes, 104 items (8 base items and 24 items unique to each faction), 27 minions with varied statistics and skills, and 11 towers for the Forsaken to use. Alongside a great map terrain and an extensive lore.
Gameplay and Mechanics
Forsaken Bastion's Fall is a multiplayer map that pits two sides, of up to 6 players each, one against the other. One of the teams, The Forsaken, has to defend the fortress from the Alliance team that's trying to reach the end and destroy the source of magic that keeps the defenders alive.
The players start in the Tower Defense stage, where The Forsaken team has to strategically place a series of different towers to stop the Alliance and it's waves of minions from reaching the entrance. The total number of waves is limited to 20 so the Alliance players need to end this stage as quickly as possible.
When the Alliance reaches the Bastion's Gates, the AoS stage begins. Here is when the Forsaken players take control of their chosen heroes. Alonside minions of their own and NPC Forsaken Bosses, they will have to defend the corridors of the stronghold from the Alliance's efforts to reach the end. The Alliance wins if they do so within the 20 minion waves, and the Forsaken win if they succesfully defeat all waves before their enemies complete their goal.