Version 4.4a Changelog:
- New Hero: Jounin Minato
- New Hero: Juugo
- New Hero: Han, the Five-Tails Jinchuuriki
- Jiraiya: D is now an active skill which stun enemies in area
- Fixed Tenten bugs on Q and R
- Deidara ultimate is now classified as suicide
- Price of Ninja Badge reduced to 800
- Price of ANBU Mask recipe increased to 2500
- Removed Chakra Regeneration from ANBU Mask
- Orb of Lighting: Purge effect changed to Chain Lightning.
- Orb of Earth: Proc chance reduced from 30% to 25%
- Chakra stone buffed (it gained a new active, try it out).
- Fixed Kabuto starting skill fatal
- Now on survival/battle royal, when there are only two players left, the winner is deceided in a series of duel
- Survival doesn't grant global vision on defeat anymore (only battle royal does)
- Survival mode: New submode: Team survival (if the deaths of the whole team summed reach a certain limit, the whole team is out)
- Survival mode: Fountain is not removed from the start anymore, but now, after 20 minutes of the game, fountain and ANBUs are removed.
- Domination: Eight-headed serpent is not spell immune anymore.
- Now when Yamato uses D near a tree, it doesn't create an additional tree anymore
- Fixed bug of items dropping when a base is destroyed
- Added Casting Time on Minato Hiraishin Kunai (D) and cooldown increased from 140s to 180s
- Haku new D: Hyoton: Hyogan Domu (a ice domo which traps all enemies around him. last 5 seconds. cooldown: 180s)
- Now when Sennin Mode has Kyuubi Lost Spear, Six-Tails Mode Q stun enemies for 2 seconds
- Chiyo auto attacks are not ranged anymore
- Kiba: Tsuuga deals magic damage now if he is riding Akamaru
- Sasuke Cursed Seal: New E: Chidori Senbons
- New Team: Swordmen of Mist (Kisame, Ringo and Zabuza): They gain the Big Moon Sword item
- Darui W now knockback enemies
- Chouji Q is now controlable
- Nagato: Damage of Chibaku Tensei decreased from 13 x Ninjutsu to 11 x Ninjutsu + Distance from caster x 2 (what's about +1000 damage when maximum range)
- Sasori: Hiruko Puppet new E: Shikomi Kugutsu: Shinshin Happa
- Zetsu: Casting Range of Spore Technique reduced from 400 to 300
- Zetsu: Cooldown of Devour increased from 100 to 180s
- Zetsu: Taijutsu per level decreased from 2.2 to 2.0
- New Hero: Jounin Minato
- New Hero: Juugo
- New Hero: Han, the Five-Tails Jinchuuriki
- Jiraiya: D is now an active skill which stun enemies in area
- Fixed Tenten bugs on Q and R
- Deidara ultimate is now classified as suicide
- Price of Ninja Badge reduced to 800
- Price of ANBU Mask recipe increased to 2500
- Removed Chakra Regeneration from ANBU Mask
- Orb of Lighting: Purge effect changed to Chain Lightning.
- Orb of Earth: Proc chance reduced from 30% to 25%
- Chakra stone buffed (it gained a new active, try it out).
- Fixed Kabuto starting skill fatal
- Now on survival/battle royal, when there are only two players left, the winner is deceided in a series of duel
- Survival doesn't grant global vision on defeat anymore (only battle royal does)
- Survival mode: New submode: Team survival (if the deaths of the whole team summed reach a certain limit, the whole team is out)
- Survival mode: Fountain is not removed from the start anymore, but now, after 20 minutes of the game, fountain and ANBUs are removed.
- Domination: Eight-headed serpent is not spell immune anymore.
- Now when Yamato uses D near a tree, it doesn't create an additional tree anymore
- Fixed bug of items dropping when a base is destroyed
- Added Casting Time on Minato Hiraishin Kunai (D) and cooldown increased from 140s to 180s
- Haku new D: Hyoton: Hyogan Domu (a ice domo which traps all enemies around him. last 5 seconds. cooldown: 180s)
- Now when Sennin Mode has Kyuubi Lost Spear, Six-Tails Mode Q stun enemies for 2 seconds
- Chiyo auto attacks are not ranged anymore
- Kiba: Tsuuga deals magic damage now if he is riding Akamaru
- Sasuke Cursed Seal: New E: Chidori Senbons
- New Team: Swordmen of Mist (Kisame, Ringo and Zabuza): They gain the Big Moon Sword item
- Darui W now knockback enemies
- Chouji Q is now controlable
- Nagato: Damage of Chibaku Tensei decreased from 13 x Ninjutsu to 11 x Ninjutsu + Distance from caster x 2 (what's about +1000 damage when maximum range)
- Sasori: Hiruko Puppet new E: Shikomi Kugutsu: Shinshin Happa
- Zetsu: Casting Range of Spore Technique reduced from 400 to 300
- Zetsu: Cooldown of Devour increased from 100 to 180s
- Zetsu: Taijutsu per level decreased from 2.2 to 2.0

New Madara ultimate

- Heaven Sword: Divine punish now has the effect of Weakness (halving genjutsu and ninjutsu for 5s)
- Heaven Sword: Stats bonus increased from 25 to 35. Spell reduction effect removed.
- Heaven Sword: Critical now affect buildings too and chance increased from 5% to 10%.
- Nagato: Increased cooldown of Chibaku Tensei to 100s
- Madara: Limbo dummies are invisible to enemies now and their damages were increased, Ranton Kouga stun enemies for one second
- Sanbi's skin: Thorns aura replaced to Evasion: 30% chance to avoid an attack.
- Upgraded chakra stone: Now it also gives 50% of life points that upgrade life stone gives
- Now on Battle Royal, each 5 minutes there will a duel between two random players
- Now on Survival Mode, when there are only two players left, the winner is deceived between duels
- Fixed some bugs which happened with Zabuza Demon Slash
- Kiba: Range of semi decreased from 450 to 350
- Mei: Fuuton Mode doesn't slow target anymore
- Heaven Sword: Stats bonus increased from 25 to 35. Spell reduction effect removed.
- Heaven Sword: Critical now affect buildings too and chance increased from 5% to 10%.
- Nagato: Increased cooldown of Chibaku Tensei to 100s
- Madara: Limbo dummies are invisible to enemies now and their damages were increased, Ranton Kouga stun enemies for one second
- Sanbi's skin: Thorns aura replaced to Evasion: 30% chance to avoid an attack.
- Upgraded chakra stone: Now it also gives 50% of life points that upgrade life stone gives
- Now on Battle Royal, each 5 minutes there will a duel between two random players
- Now on Survival Mode, when there are only two players left, the winner is deceived between duels
- Fixed some bugs which happened with Zabuza Demon Slash
- Kiba: Range of semi decreased from 450 to 350
- Mei: Fuuton Mode doesn't slow target anymore
Mirror .zip: http://www.gameyup.com/warcraft-iii/naruto-ninpou-storm-mn-4-4a/