Map Anime Random Skill v85 fix - ARS_Ver_85_FIX.w3x
Vários Heróis que Aparecem Aleatóriamente , Onde se tem Como Objetivo Matar seu Inimigo Para Vencer , um Excelente Jogo de Sobrevivência com Seus Adorados Personagens de Anime
Map Description: Basically you get a random character and with skill and try to kill everyone before they 1 shot you and there is rounds and kill limits you can set. like for ex. you got Yukina as your character and other person got Kurumi. and if you die. you perma dead till time limit or everyone else is dead. next round starts you will get new character or same character you have before if your luckey that is.

Category: Hero Arena
Tileset: Sunken Ruins
Dimensions: 96x96
Playable Area: 84x84
Recommended Players: Anime Fans
Size: 26.7 MB
8MB remove map file size limit in warcraft III
- Download .w3x: http://rghost.net/7rRpWfNxy
- Download .zip: https://www.mediafire.com/?x1rk22a2tgy5522