December 06, 2015

Dota 6.85e lod

Getdota Map DotA v6.85e LoD.w3x download by ResQ

Dota v6.85e lod changelog:
  • Fixed Chaos Strike armor debuff not working correctly
  • Fixed gifting Aghanim's Scepter not reseting bonusses
  • Fixed Earthbind not being able to catch invisible units even if they are visible
  • Fixed Grow! giving incorrect bonusses if learnt while morphed to melee
  • Fixed cooldown manipulation refreshing abilities twice after using Refresher Orb
  • Fixed Lightning Bolt not being multicastable
  • Fixed Devouring Mud Golem not giving Hatchlings passive (now spawns 2 little Dooms when dying)
  • Fixed Incapacitating Bite not always working correctly
  • Fixed multicasted Freezing Field not stopping if the caster gets interrupted
  • Fixed Arctic Burn damage stacking if multiple projectiles were flying on the target
  • Fixed Spirit Bear not being able to use Shiva's Guard, Helm of the Dominator or Armlet of Mordiggian
  • Fixed Supernova (Aghanim's) allowed an allied hero targeted to be inside the Supernova to be able to attack while inside the Supernova
  • Fixed cooldown manipulation caused spells to disappear when morphing
  • Fixed Whirling Axes, Shadowraze, Call of the Wild not properly working with cooldown manipulation
  • Fixed creating illusions of others (Reflection, Replicate) caused the illusions to lose passives
  • Fixed Magic Wand cooldown (17 -> 13)
  • Fixed Spectral Dagger wasting the target's Linken's Sphere, Spectral Dagger can now be casted on magic immune enemies
  • Fixed Reverse Polarity not affecting ancients
See full changelog here: Dota 6.85e lod changelog
To remove the fact that hotkeys overlay, we recommend using Auct Hotkeys Tool v2.8d (AHT v2.8d). It allows you to have more than 1 spell on the same hotkeywhile not forcingyou to click spells.

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