Map Enthashara´s Tales ORPG v1.2.01 - etales_1.2.01.w3x Created by Avahor
When completed, you get [Bear Clothes Set]. It help's to improve the management of reduced inventory. Boots, rings, dress, etc, all can form part of a set.
Suit of the Forgotten Naiar NightWolf's Dress Suit of the Winter Keeper Presence of the Demon Lord Wrath of the chaos goddess Soul of the Arcane lord
Required level: 81:
+483 Strenght
+242 intelligence
+242 Agility.
[Active] Devastating Stomp: Slams the ground, dealing 9660 damage to nearby enemy land units and stuning them by 3 seconds.A delicate dress made by gold threads, imbued with old titan's blood
In game you will receive some friendly helpers, mostly of them have automatic movement and displacement, while others like summoned units must controled by you.
Download: etales_1.2.1.w3x