Mode: -light -ms -rp -ow -cw -bt -rg
Anime X Hero New Season II
The position of the shop:
I'm standby power sword - a sword is bordered to + all15k effec5k but it can take as much + not + 1 are all 30k effect 7.5k +2 all 45k efect10k +3 (Max) all 60k effect 12.5k. Items hit + has a lot of random random took a lot of the other blue-eyed white (shaped like the head of a man holding gem in dota) took the total to the item next to the item random. + has to be a chance, but only 60 operators and 10 operators of rupture is not lost, but the rest +0 OT.
Category: Castle Defense
Tileset: Icecrown Glacier
Dimensions: 96x224
Playable Area: 86x213
Recommended Players: iosed
Size: 7287.3 KB
Big update....New heroes, new item, new build...Hope you like it

The position of the shop:
I'm standby power sword - a sword is bordered to + all15k effec5k but it can take as much + not + 1 are all 30k effect 7.5k +2 all 45k efect10k +3 (Max) all 60k effect 12.5k. Items hit + has a lot of random random took a lot of the other blue-eyed white (shaped like the head of a man holding gem in dota) took the total to the item next to the item random. + has to be a chance, but only 60 operators and 10 operators of rupture is not lost, but the rest +0 OT.
What resolution should
"This map requires unity in the atrocities you play alone, but you do not help your team, it's not a boss fight."
The boss
1. Put the tea REQUIREMENTS 1. 2 2. Fire Sword - a 3. Wing 1 4.fire wing 5.lyrical wing 6. blood (the car has changed the channel 4-6. 1-3 necessities required).
2. Must have at least two people are the one who hit the first boss to buy blood rushes to ward heal (Add and choose abstinence as a percentage very good).
3. zag kill a single end.
The team - it is not essential, but very important.
The characters have a special team 1. Miyamoto (splash lv 4) 2. El kills (unti) 3.qiuka sickle (unti).
May's boss was one of two that offer. Mo Miyamoto took the easiest to kill.
Boswell May 3 at the Hotel Tomo. Warp away from the first event and then to kill.
Boswell May the 4th 5th 6th there to help them keep it. By EA to help keep it (the abortion for one person).
To be out of the ring of blood helps with skill splash. Making it easier and stick to kill. Not upon the skill with splash.

Tileset: Icecrown Glacier
Dimensions: 96x224
Playable Area: 86x213
Recommended Players: iosed
Size: 7287.3 KB