Overall, game looks awesome and challenging for an AoS. Heroes are all from the original Warcraft but the way the spells are greatly modified to make them better is great and in next updates, could use some more heroes. Map could also have more items and better also some item recipes which the game lacks. Lastly, coudl use some game commands.
If you get to know about any bug or just want to make a comment just go ahead, write in this thread, PM me or write an email to Darkfangmapper@gmail.com
Also if you want to make a contributtion to the main game thread just go into the map development section, I am currently searching for skilled programmers, 3d modelers and someone who can help me make a decent AI. Also if you have any idea or concept for any hero, item or mode you are welcome too! any help is appreciated!... also I need a team ha ha ha ha
Overall, game looks awesome and challenging for an AoS. Heroes are all from the original Warcraft but the way the spells are greatly modified to make them better is great and in next updates, could use some more heroes. Map could also have more items and better also some item recipes which the game lacks. Lastly, coudl use some game commands.

Also if you want to make a contributtion to the main game thread just go into the map development section, I am currently searching for skilled programmers, 3d modelers and someone who can help me make a decent AI. Also if you have any idea or concept for any hero, item or mode you are welcome too! any help is appreciated!... also I need a team ha ha ha ha
Download: Duel of Gods (2).w3x