You are Malfurion Stormrage, arch druid of the Night Elves and protector of Kalimdor. A great prophecy has foretold the return of the Burning Legion, who seek to destroy Azeroth once and for all.
For 10,000 years you have roamed the Emerald Dream, awaiting the day for your return to lead your people against the demons. However, you feel that the world has changed much during your absence. Despite Nordrassil being heavily guarded and Illidan the Betrayer sealed deep within his prison, you sense something terribly wrong that threatens your people's survival from the coming invasion.
Your mind is left in doubt, and the Prophecy's fulfillment draws near. Will you make sacrifices to ensure Azeroth's survival from the Burning Legion? Find out as you play Malfurion's Quest, the epic finale in Turnro's series of Warcraft 3 campaigns.

Choose Your Own Destiny
Malfurion's Quest features two separate story lines, with each providing different units, heroes, items, and much more. You will also be given numerous minor story choices throughout the campaign.
New Custom Race: The Highborne
This campaign will give you the opportunity to play as a fully new custom race: the Highborne. This mystical faction's strength lies with their powerful spells and their deep knowledge in the arcane magics.
New Boss Fights
Malfurion's Quest is intended to have several boss fights throughout the campaign. These are proper boss fights that will test your skill and ability in playing Warcraft 3
Three Difficulty Levels to Choose
Choose to play Malfurion's Quest in 1 of 3 difficulty levels: Normal, Hard or Insane.
34 maps, including 20 Chapters and 11 Interludes
Note that Malfurion’s Quest is still under development. The current version has 16 maps.
New Heroes, Units, Spells, Items, and more!

This is a question I get asked a lot. At the moment, it is hard to estimate exactly when the full version will be released since Malfurion's Quest is quite large and I am only a one man team.
In the middle of 2013, I announced that Malfurion's Quest would be completed by 15th May 2014. At the time, this was a reasonable date. However, a lot has happened in my life since then, and I no longer have the time to make Warcraft 3 campaigns whenever I want.
However, this has not stopped me from making Malfurion's Quest. At the moment, there is no expected date when the campaign will be completed.
I am having trouble running Malfurion's Quest on my computer. What can I do?
Malfurion's Quest has two requirements in order for you to play.
First, you must update your version of Warcraft 3 to the latest version: 1.26. This patch is available directly from Blizzard's website.
Second, you must ensure that you are running the campaign on a decent computer. While Warcraft 3 isn't a graphically demanding game, Malfurion's Quest has lots of imported materials which old computers won't take.
Will there be voice acting in Malfurion's Quest, just like in The Adventures of Rowan the Wise?
To date, there has been no decision made about whether or not Malfurion's Quest will contain voice acting. If such a decision were to be made, all the dialogue in the campaign must be finished and finalized.
Because I am only making one map at a time, voice acting cannot be considered until the beta version of Malfurion's Quest is done.
I have a Mac computer, and Warcraft 3 keeps crashing whenever I select a hero or building. Why is this happening?
This crashing bug is caused by certain skins imported into Warcraft 3 maps, which includes icons. Some of these skins have image decodings which makes them unreadable on Mac computers. As a result, when you try to view one of these skins in Warcraft 3, the game will crash.
Fortunately, this problem can be fixed by recreating the skins which can make them readable on Mac computers. If you are a Mac user and experience this crash, notify me immediately.
What will your plans be after finishing Malfurion's Quest?
Malfurion's Quest is a large project, and is expected to take me a while to fully finalize. Other than that, I guess we shall wait and see ;)
Download: https://www.mediafire.com/?2u4jwpp44f6gpkb