Getdota Map DotA v6.85h LoD Iran RGC.w3x download by ResQ
Main game modes: (ap, ar, sd, md, rd)
Sub modes: (d2, d3, d4, d5, s5, s6, os, ra, bo, ul, ss, ab, fn, ls, ff, eb, ma, rc, ah, nn)
Map by DracoL1ch & ResQ
Sub modes: (d2, d3, d4, d5, s5, s6, os, ra, bo, ul, ss, ab, fn, ls, ff, eb, ma, rc, ah, nn)
Map by DracoL1ch & ResQ
- Goblin’s Greed bounty rune bonus gold from 5 to 4x, bonus gold per stack from 3 to 2
- Decay duration from 40 to 30sec, manacost from 70/90/110/130 to 80/100/120/140
- Shuriken Toss cast range increased to 700
- Storm armor from 4 to 1.5, BAT from 1.6 to 1.7
See full changelog here: Dota 6.85h lod changelog
What is Legends of DotA? (LoD):
Legends of DotA, or in short, LoD, is a DotA modification. It allows you to pick and mix skills from the original DotA map as you like. You can pick almost every combination you can think of, there are almost no limits - you can create new heroes within a few clicks and play with them!
Ever imagined playing a hero with over 900 range? Just pick Sniper's Take Aim and Lanaya's Psi Blades and you're good to go! There are countless possibilities!
LoD Maps do not have AI support. They can only be played with the most recent Warcraft 3 patch (1.26).
To remove the fact that hotkeys overlay, we recommend using Auct Hotkeys Tool v2.8d (AHT v2.8d). It allows you to have more than 1 spell on the same hotkeywhile not forcingyou to click spells.
Download: DotA v6.85h LoD Iran RGC.w3x