*This guide is written in the English language. You can use to "translate.google" to understand the content below !* acronym:
lv: level
TELE: Instant teleport, circle used to shift location
INT: intelligent
STR: strength
AGI: agility
This guide for version 1.97 !!
When the game begins, you should open this guide and see it. Just play while watching!
Download: G Hero Giakyo 1.94.w3x
EASY: defense in ~ ninety minutes (5500s) so that the "Main house" was not destroyed as you win.
I am Legend: each player is selected two hero. It is harder "mode Easy"
We are Superman: each player is selected one hero. It is harder "mode Easy" Destroy the final boss (is your current position) and the "Main house" was not destroyed. Unlimited time.
If the hero dies you will be deducted ten thousand gold, and twenty five seconds later would be revived.
+++ In the game you need to choose one of 20 heroes:
On the right is five Intelligent hero attributes (characteristics that have energy armor-Mana Shield).
On the left is five Strength hero attributes (Damage increased skills in 10s-Roar).
Above is five Agility hero attributes (skills typically is "Critical").
Below are five heroes under the three groups on the (chaotic).
The melee hero has basic attributes index higher the ranger hero (str, agi, int).
+++ After you choose, the hero will be available three skills:
+Reset: All heroes has it. When the heroes reach level three hundred fifty and uses this skill, the hero will return to lv1 with bonus 40000 index.
+Specific skills of this hero STR, AGI, INT (mentioned above)
+special skills of this hero: only this hero has it. The other heroes, if any, as well as "copies" should not be stronger..
In this three skills, only "special skills of the hero" is manually upgrade (in the store).
Now is six stores buy skills. You need to buy more three skills ($1 wood), and one skills ($5 gold). When your hero to reach the necessary level (lv80, lv200, lv250 ), this skill will automatically level up. About special skills of the hero must upgrade by handmade, I will mention below.
After the heroes have the seven skills, you can go outside.
+++ Start game:
+ Now! What do you have ?
First Hero (Hero1) with enough seven skill has selected, of course. Your hero had "wings lv3" and "creation"(I give you that).
Second Hero (Hero2) with TELE skills and keep your belongings.
If you play EASY mode, your hero will set to lv79.
+ Now what to do to stronger (now and always)?
When the words "10,000 to appear", you seeking gold and wood around "the main house". It is about one minute to one times. Take it.
Two shop upgrade "special skill of hero" mentioned above, use it immediately. It is located on the right!
Increase the basic indicators of the hero! This shop is located on the right, called the "POLICE STATION".
Fabricated "set item". This shop on the left, called "PROPHET". The formula for this is to see, not having to buy. First see the "Guide 10". If you get one of the "set item" then you start to become "stronger".
Buy "item" plus basic indicators (str, agi, int) and use jade upgrade. This shop on the Left !
+ Finished? Anything else?
Quick Level up: in left and right side (two). Hero reaches level 350 to use the skills "reset".
There are many gold coins: the task name "Quest12" "Quest15", or go to the "Dark continent" in the top right corner.
Bounty and items: find and destroy the Vampire, Achimonde on the map.
+ "@! $ ?~!@ #" What maps too confusing!
Only two "main event" you need to know: killing the final boss, and ten times "boss wave."
To be able to kill the final boss, you need: destroyed twelve houses, "spawned creep" in order from left to right, or "it's time" at the time of 5200s.
"Boss Wave": according to playing time, about five minutes, creeps and bosses would have rushed down "the main house"!
+ You played "We Are SuperMan mode". You must destroy all twelve "the reproduction creep" (6 "Breeding Grounds", and 6 "Bloodyard") then you have enough the "CREATION" (especially not near the end of the first boss, the boss Archimonde huge figure there. Exactly what do not be hitting it, not was "touching" it @@. As if touched it, the creep level 3 will not come out again!). Creep level 3 has a high rate of falls CREATION
+ The formula upgrade "item":
Wings, Dame, Hp, Armor, Mana can be upgraded to add one grade jade BLESS (50% success, failures are gone). Visit lv5 can upgrade jade CREATION (50% success, failure is not lost anything).
For example, level 1 + BLESS = Wings Wings level 2 (the ratio is 50%)
Wings level 2 + BLESS = Wings level 3 (ratio of 50%)
Wings Wings level 4 level 3 + BLESS = (ratio of 50%)
Str1, Agi1, INT1 can be upgraded to add one grade jade SOUL, CHAOS, STONE, LIFE.
Example: str1 + SOUL = str2
Str2 + SOUL = Str3
Str3 + CHAOS = Str4
Str4 + CHAOS = Str5
Str5 + CHAOS = Str6
Str6 + STONE = STR7
etc ..
Category: Hero Defense
Tileset: Icecrown Glacier
Dimensions: 96x160
Playable Area: 84x148
Recommended Players: 1-6 Hero
Size: 5992.5 KB
How to play:
+++ Wait two seconds to select a play mode: EASY, I am Legend, or We are Superman.
+++ Wait two seconds to select a play mode: EASY, I am Legend, or We are Superman.
EASY: defense in ~ ninety minutes (5500s) so that the "Main house" was not destroyed as you win.
I am Legend: each player is selected two hero. It is harder "mode Easy"
We are Superman: each player is selected one hero. It is harder "mode Easy" Destroy the final boss (is your current position) and the "Main house" was not destroyed. Unlimited time.
If the hero dies you will be deducted ten thousand gold, and twenty five seconds later would be revived.
+++ In the game you need to choose one of 20 heroes:
On the right is five Intelligent hero attributes (characteristics that have energy armor-Mana Shield).
On the left is five Strength hero attributes (Damage increased skills in 10s-Roar).
Above is five Agility hero attributes (skills typically is "Critical").
Below are five heroes under the three groups on the (chaotic).
The melee hero has basic attributes index higher the ranger hero (str, agi, int).
+++ After you choose, the hero will be available three skills:
+Reset: All heroes has it. When the heroes reach level three hundred fifty and uses this skill, the hero will return to lv1 with bonus 40000 index.
+Specific skills of this hero STR, AGI, INT (mentioned above)
+special skills of this hero: only this hero has it. The other heroes, if any, as well as "copies" should not be stronger..
In this three skills, only "special skills of the hero" is manually upgrade (in the store).
Now is six stores buy skills. You need to buy more three skills ($1 wood), and one skills ($5 gold). When your hero to reach the necessary level (lv80, lv200, lv250 ), this skill will automatically level up. About special skills of the hero must upgrade by handmade, I will mention below.
After the heroes have the seven skills, you can go outside.
+++ Start game:
+ Now! What do you have ?
First Hero (Hero1) with enough seven skill has selected, of course. Your hero had "wings lv3" and "creation"(I give you that).
Second Hero (Hero2) with TELE skills and keep your belongings.
If you play EASY mode, your hero will set to lv79.
+ Now what to do to stronger (now and always)?
When the words "10,000 to appear", you seeking gold and wood around "the main house". It is about one minute to one times. Take it.
Two shop upgrade "special skill of hero" mentioned above, use it immediately. It is located on the right!
Increase the basic indicators of the hero! This shop is located on the right, called the "POLICE STATION".
Fabricated "set item". This shop on the left, called "PROPHET". The formula for this is to see, not having to buy. First see the "Guide 10". If you get one of the "set item" then you start to become "stronger".
Buy "item" plus basic indicators (str, agi, int) and use jade upgrade. This shop on the Left !
+ Finished? Anything else?
Quick Level up: in left and right side (two). Hero reaches level 350 to use the skills "reset".
There are many gold coins: the task name "Quest12" "Quest15", or go to the "Dark continent" in the top right corner.
Bounty and items: find and destroy the Vampire, Achimonde on the map.
+ "@! $ ?~!@ #" What maps too confusing!
Only two "main event" you need to know: killing the final boss, and ten times "boss wave."
To be able to kill the final boss, you need: destroyed twelve houses, "spawned creep" in order from left to right, or "it's time" at the time of 5200s.
"Boss Wave": according to playing time, about five minutes, creeps and bosses would have rushed down "the main house"!
+ You played "We Are SuperMan mode". You must destroy all twelve "the reproduction creep" (6 "Breeding Grounds", and 6 "Bloodyard") then you have enough the "CREATION" (especially not near the end of the first boss, the boss Archimonde huge figure there. Exactly what do not be hitting it, not was "touching" it @@. As if touched it, the creep level 3 will not come out again!). Creep level 3 has a high rate of falls CREATION

+ Basic Walkthrough:
Completion of the successful defense in 120 minutes (EASY mode); or kill boss in order 1.2, 3 marked with red ink (SUPERMAN mode).
Just caught the end 12 Boss1 breaking "the reproductive" "creep" (marked in blue ink in order from left to right), or played for 120 minutes. For example: just attack was "the reproduction 1" when finished destroying "the reproduction 2".
Completion of the successful defense in 120 minutes (EASY mode); or kill boss in order 1.2, 3 marked with red ink (SUPERMAN mode).
Just caught the end 12 Boss1 breaking "the reproductive" "creep" (marked in blue ink in order from left to right), or played for 120 minutes. For example: just attack was "the reproduction 1" when finished destroying "the reproduction 2".
+ The formula upgrade "item":
Wings, Dame, Hp, Armor, Mana can be upgraded to add one grade jade BLESS (50% success, failures are gone). Visit lv5 can upgrade jade CREATION (50% success, failure is not lost anything).
For example, level 1 + BLESS = Wings Wings level 2 (the ratio is 50%)
Wings level 2 + BLESS = Wings level 3 (ratio of 50%)
Wings Wings level 4 level 3 + BLESS = (ratio of 50%)
Str1, Agi1, INT1 can be upgraded to add one grade jade SOUL, CHAOS, STONE, LIFE.
Example: str1 + SOUL = str2
Str2 + SOUL = Str3
Str3 + CHAOS = Str4
Str4 + CHAOS = Str5
Str5 + CHAOS = Str6
Str6 + STONE = STR7
etc ..

Tileset: Icecrown Glacier
Dimensions: 96x160
Playable Area: 84x148
Recommended Players: 1-6 Hero
Size: 5992.5 KB
Download: G Hero Giakyo 1.97.w3x