Version 2.1.7. [04.03.2016]
General Changes
- Minor terrain changes.
- A new enemy can now be encountered.
- Fixed a bug where the Glyph of Dampening was showing an incorrect icon in the Multiboard.
- Fixed a small delay that occured when using the Backpack to roll for items.
- A pass button has been added to the Backpack.
- The commands info in the Journal(F9) has been updated.
- Glyph of Resolve no longer shows floating text for values that are less than 1.
Necromancer |
- Fixed a bug where Glyph of Heroism was not working.
- Heroism now has 30% chance to summon a Skeletal Champion up from 10%.
Spell Thief |
- Spell Steal can now only be procced by Hero spellcasts.
Spirit Champion |
- Fixed a bug where Glyph of Heroism was not working.
Sunken City is a dungeon crawler map with RPG elements. A huge part of the map is the constant search for hidden places, traps and small puzzles which add to the fun. The addition of several unique systems adds to the overall experience.
Recommended players: 2-3
Estimated gameplay time: Between 3 and 4 hours depending on number of players and difficulty chosen.
Number of heroes: 27
Maximum Level: 18
Download: Sunken City v2.1.7.w3x
Welcome to the Glyph System window. Each Player is able to choose up to a maximum of 3 Glyphs for his hero and will not be able to have more than 1 Glyph of each type. Glyphs will be changeable at any point of the game and are completely free. As said, players will have a maximum of 3 Glyphs, but that does not happen up until Level 6. You will have one Glyph slot at level 1, two Glyph slots at level 3 and three Glyph slots at level 6. Currently there are 9 Glyphs that are still a subject of change.

You can check them all out below:
Glyph of Mana Shield: Reduces damage taken by amount equal to 2% of your maximum mana.
Battle Frenzy: Your attacks have 12% chance to increase your attack speed by 35% for 5 seconds.
Glyph of Replenishment: Causes you to regenerate 0,6% of missing mana each second.
Glyph of Bloodthirst: Causes your hero to restore health equal to 12% of any damage he deals.
Glyph of Magic Find: Increases item drop chances from all creeps by 15% for the party. This glyph stacks with other player's Magic Find glyphs.
Glyph of Class Mastery: After casting your T hotkey ability, your hero will gain Class Mastery for 4 seconds, which provides one of the following effects depending on his primary attribute:
• Strength: increases armor by 4 and causes attacks against your hero restore 1% of his maximum health.
• Agility: after dealing damage greater than 3 times your hero level, 40% of that damage will be dealt again.
• Intelligence: regenerates 2% of maximum mana.
Glyph of Glass Cannon: Increases damage dealt from all sources by 15%, but every time your units take damage, they will loose life equal to 10% of damage taken.
Glyph of Renewal: Grants your spellcasts 40% chance to restore health to all friendly units within 700 range equal to 100% of your primary attribute.
Glyph of Thunder: Your spellcasts have 16% chance to call down lightnings from the skies that deal damage equal to 170% of your primary attribute and stun all enemy units within 600 range for 1,15 seconds.
Glyph of Blood Violence: Whenever you or your pets deal damage to an enemy unit, there is 4,5% chance that its flesh will explode and will damage all nearby enemies for amount equal to 160% of your primary attribute. If the damage dealt is less than 3 times your Hero level, the chance will be reduced to 1%.
Glyph of Astral Shift: When your hero is below 30% of maximum health, he partially shifts into the elemental panes, absorbing 20% of any incoming damage.
Glyph of Hellfire: Deals damage equal to 3 times your hero level to all enemy units within 400 range of your hero each second. Damage dealt is reduced 1 time your hero level when more than 3 units are affected and is doubled if only one unit is affected by this Glyph.
• Strength: increases armor by 4 and causes attacks against your hero restore 1% of his maximum health.
• Agility: after dealing damage greater than 3 times your hero level, 40% of that damage will be dealt again.
• Intelligence: regenerates 2% of maximum mana.
Download: Sunken City v2.1.7.w3x