Map Zombie Attack (v2.5).w3x Created by ade206
Map Info
Tileset: Ashenvale
Dimensions: 96x96
Max Players: 10
Recommended Players: 5+
Category: Defense / Survival
The objective of the map is to destroy 10 zombie towers. Zombie Towers are situated in zombie spawn, if a Zombie Tower is destroyed will spawn zombies.
The map has 9 bosses, the bosses come every 5 minutes.
The map has quest and hero upgrade systems, you can make quests. If you complete a quest, will receive gold, lumber and quest points. You can upgrade your hero with quest points.
The map has 10 unique heroes with 3 abilities + attribute bonus and ultimate. Max level is 35.
The map has flag system wich prevents your allies to build around the flag.
In the forest are 2 shops also you can build shops with items and recipes. If you buy a item, you can upgrade it with recipe.
You can make potions from materials, you can get materials from killing animals.
(Sorry if my english is bad, I am from romania.)
Download: Zombie Attack (v2.5).w3x