January 03, 2017

ACG Arena v1.723 AI

 Map Animation Comic Game v1.723 - ACG Arena 1.723 AI

You can play this map with Other player or Computer (AI+++)

The stun of Yuuka's first hit W has been decreased to 0.5s,while the stun of second hit W has been decreased to 1.5 second.
The level of Yuuka's F has been decreased to LV2.
E can be stopped by stun,and its cooldown has been decreased to 38s.
  • The bug of skills can be used in forbidden place has been fixed.
  • The cooldown of Yato’s W has been increased to 30 seconds.
  • Nanaya cannot make animation Stop by F.The F will always pause himself.
  • The stun of all Nanaya’s skills has been decreased.
  • The AoE of Q(not Dash Q and ban ESC Q)has been decreased to 200.
See full changelog here: ACG Arena 1.723 changelog

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