May 31, 2018

Fight of Anime Return Battle v1.0

New Hero :
-Tobiichi Origami
-Konjiki no Yami
-Itsuka Kotori
-Tohka Alter
-Cloud Strife
-Ryougi Shiki
Many hero has been Deleted because for some reason

Download: http://www.game2f.com/2018/06/foa-s2-return-battle-v1-0/
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May 09, 2018

DotA Allstars 6.88w1 RGC

DotA Allstars 6.88w1.w3x RGC full changelogs and download 2018
  • Neutral AI improved to non-obs behavior
  • Fixed rare crash with Admiral
  • Fixed random crashes when Slark in game or Smokes of Deceit were used
  • Fixed Upheaval dispelling Linken's Sphere
  • Fixed Bloodlust could target couriers
  • Fixed Global Silence being broken if Aghanim purchuased before it's being learned
  • Fixed swapping wards or performing some other actions causing invisibility to wear off when it shouldn't
  • Added visual effect on Conjure Image illusions to better distinction
  • Improved Toss a little bit, it now always provides full double Avalanche
  • Fixed Psi Blades visual effect pointing invisible units
  • Spin Web can now be manually destroyed
  • Fixed Terrorblade (Metamorphosis) had 3 less max damage
  • Fixed Lycan's Wolves' Cripple could proc on structures and other invalid targets
  • Fixed Overgrowth not providing assists
  • Linken's Sphere now properly re-adds Spell Block on respawn
  • Sleight of Fist no longer interrupt channelings if Xin casts one
See full Changelogs 6.88w1 here: Dota 6.88w1 changelog
Download: DotA Allstars 6.88w1
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Fugatsu RPG S2 Return v1.4b

Map Fugatsu RPG S2 Return v1.4b released - FW RPG S2 Return v1.4b.w3x

Fixed Bug :
-Fix Animation Cloud
-Change Skill Ikki, Naruto, Yami, Emilia and Tohno
-Change Tohka Model and Skill
-Change Karna Model and Skill
-Buff All Int Char
-Change Aizen and Sasuke Base Stats
-Nerf Ichigo and Hibari Damage
-Change Dark Skill Passive

Crafting Equipment Guide : Fugatsu RPG S2 Return Guide

New Hero :
Kiyohime ( Thanks to Anime Final Battle Maker for Skin Hero )
Download: FW RPG S2 v1.4b.w3x
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May 06, 2018

Dota v6.85o5 lod

Getdota map DotA LoD 6.85o5.w3x download
  • Time lapse aghanim cooldown 20 -> 30/25/20, cast range 1000 -> 800/900/1000
  • Nether Strike cooldown 80/70/60 -> 60/50/40, with aghanim 30/25/20, fixed: aghanims gives +150 cast range at all levels (was only on 3 lvl ulti)
  • Macropyre aghanim bonus pure dmg reduced from 40 per sec to 30 per sec
  • Rearm manacost 150/300/450 -> 150/250/350
  • Mass Serpent Ward manacost 200/350/600 -> 200/400/600
  • False promise cd again reduced: from 60/55/50 to 60/50/40 (there was some mistakes when we was increasing this)
  • Spell Steal Agh cooldown 4/3/2 -> 6/4/2
  • Bristleback's "Bristleback" got overnerf in 3 paragraphs before — 0.1 sec cooldown (prevention crashes, but it's heavy nerf) + percentage nerf + altered mechanic of damage reductions stacking.
  • After all of this percentages of BB passive moved back (reverted) from 32/12% to 40/20%.
  • Added missing "True strike" on Walrus Punch and Vendetta hits (they can never miss now)
  • Walrus Punch lifting time (1 sec) can't be decreased
  • Walrus Kick cooldown 12 -> 10 (as on tooltip)
Full changelogs Dota lod 6.85o4 here: DotA lod 6.85o5 changelog
Download: DotA LoD 6.85o5.w3x
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Thien Menh Anh Hung v2.51

Map Thien Menh Anh Hung ORPG v2.51 by Vietnam member
  • Category: Role Playing (RPG)
  • Tileset: Black Citadel
  • Dimensions: 288x384
  • Playable Area: 288x384
  • Recommended Players: 1-8
  • Size: 33.28 MB

PS: Connect via Facebook or Google Plus and you will receive the news as soon as the released!
Is there anything else you would like to add? especially information about Thien Menh Anh Hung ORPG 2.51 latest details and features update. You can share by comment below. Thank you for visiting and see you soon, enjoy!
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March 29, 2018

Fugatsu RPG S2 Return v1.3a

Map Fugatsu RPG S2 Return v1.3a released - FW RPG S2 Return v1.3a.w3x

Fixed Bug :
- Fixed Sasuke Skills
- Reduce Lag Karna Skills
- Fixed Shiki Skills
- Fixed Ultimate Sistine Tier 2
- Fixed Itachi Skills

Crafting Equipment Guide : Fugatsu RPG S2 Return Guide

New Hero :
Kiyohime ( Thanks to Anime Final Battle Maker for Skin Hero )
Download: FW RPG S2 v1.3a.w3x
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March 14, 2018

Dota 6.88v10 (vX)

Map DotA Allstars 6.88vX.w3x RGC download and Getdota 6.88 AI
  • Manabars are now visible for observers too
  • Disable Help now turned off for leavers
  • Fixed damage reduction interaction with Tombstone and Nether Ward hit-counters
  • Fixed attacks from creeps not being registered properly if caused by triggered aggro
  • Improved control disable on Duel and similar skills
  • Icon with Charges amount moved to the left slot
  • Slightly changed damage detection system to work with negative attack damage (Enfeeble)
  • Removed lifesteal animation when attacking towers with illusions
  • Fixed blueish coloring stays on when Frost has been purged
  • Frost Armor (neutral Ogre) no longer has autocast, no longer dispels by spell immunity, debuff duration from 4 to 5 seconds
  • Upgrading Dagon won’t change it’s item position anymore
  • Fixed Orchid didn’t deal damage after it’s duration
  • Fixed Tome of Knowledge sharing cd with no-cd items
  • Fixed instant invis-providing skills not charging Magic Stick for enemies
  • Radiance can no longer affect Roshan
  • See full Changelogs 6.88v5 here: Dota 6.88v10 (vX) changelog
Download: Dota 6.88v10
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February 28, 2018

Naruto fetters v7.05

Map Naruto fetters official version 7.05 created by Chinese member

· Repair Xiaonan E Skill special crit invalid · Fix Xiao Nan D skills and text does not match the problem
· Repair thousands of columns between the W skill effect and the text does not match the problem
· Repair Jun Ma Lu skills mirror image room problem
· Fix Uchiha B soil with skills The effect does not match the text problem

Remove the seal Reel later to redeem 250
Strengthening each BOSS six with soil restoration weakness reply own 10% of the blood
Modify sneak rain forbearance village copy waiting time to 8 seconds 3 seconds to enter when prompted for a treasure of God
cancel random three-piece reward clouds
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February 08, 2018

Anime Random Skill v96 AI

 Anime Random Skill v96 AI - ARS_Ver_96.w3x Download News and Update 2018. ARS v96 has just released

You can play this map with Other player or Computer (AI+++)
  • Category: Hero Arena
  • Tileset: Sunken Ruins
  • Dimensions: 96x96
  • Playable Area: 84x84
  • Recommended Players: Anime Fans
  • Size: 33.2 MB

PS: Connect via Facebook or Google Plus and you will receive the news as soon as the Anime Random Skill v96 AI released!
Is there anything else you would like to add? especially information about Anime Random Skill v96 AI latest details and features update. You can share by comment below. Thank you for visiting and see you soon, enjoy!
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January 26, 2018

BVO New World v4.0

Bleach vs One Piece v4.0 Download News and Update. BVO New World v4.0 has just released . Stay tune on this update page for any slightest hint of the BVO New World v4.0!

Map Progress 100% for v4.0:
– System Game : 100%
– Heroes : 100%
– Terrian : 100%
– Item & Item Shop : 100%
– New Boss : 100%
– Sound : 100%
– AI : 100%

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January 21, 2018

Naruto Battle Royal V9.98 AI

Map Naruto Battle Royal V9.98 by Red Wolf: Teeth (Update February/16/2018)

Naruto Battle Royal V9.98.w3x Features:
  • Category: Hero Arena
  • Tileset: Cityscape
  • Dimensions: 96x96
  • Playable Area: 76x86
  • Recommended Players: 1-10
  • Size: 8165.2 KB
  • Submitted: 22 Aug 2013 17:13
  • Map created by Red Wolf

Compete in a thrilling Dota Warcraft battle PvP. Team vs Team, or even in normal mode “every man for himself”.

Add new a hero: Naruto Uzumaki (Chakra mode)

  • Add a model of all Heroes window view.
  • Other details modified.
...Fixed -CX invalid BUG
This Map Supports AI: Present (You can play with AI – Computer or your Friends)
The Author Map: Red Wolf – Language map: Chinese

Is there anything else you would like to add? especially information about Naruto Battle Royal V9.98 latest details and features update. You can share by comment below. Thank you forvisiting and see you soon, enjoy!
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January 19, 2018

DotA LoD v6.85n3

DotA LoD 6.85n3.w3x map created by DracoL1ch 2018
Config file name changed from "config.lod" to "config.lod.ini"

Fixes and non-balance changes
  • Rearm manacost reduced to 100/200/300
  • Rearm cd reduced to 0
  • Rearm channeling duration reduced to 3/2/1
  • Supernova no longer affects ultimate’s cooldowns
  • Witchcraft can no longer refresh ultimates
  • Witchcraft normal spell chance reduced from 10/15/20/25 to 5/10/15/20, now passively reduces cooldown of each spell by 6/9/12/15%
  • Reality Rift now pulls all your illusions instead of the same hero model only (metamorphosis)
  • Fixed Dive only applied disarm to heroes ignoring illusions
  • Fixed Dive’s Disarm being undispelable, now it can be purged
  • Track now reduce target’s armor by 1/2/3
  • Eyes in the Forest CD from 25 to 35
Full changelogs lod 6.85n here:  Dota 6.85n LOD full changelog
Download: http://www.dota682.com/dota-6-85n-lod/
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