Getdota map DotA LoD 6.85o5.w3x download
- Time lapse aghanim cooldown 20 -> 30/25/20, cast range 1000 -> 800/900/1000
- Nether Strike cooldown 80/70/60 -> 60/50/40, with aghanim 30/25/20, fixed: aghanims gives +150 cast range at all levels (was only on 3 lvl ulti)
- Macropyre aghanim bonus pure dmg reduced from 40 per sec to 30 per sec
- Rearm manacost 150/300/450 -> 150/250/350
- Mass Serpent Ward manacost 200/350/600 -> 200/400/600
- False promise cd again reduced: from 60/55/50 to 60/50/40 (there was some mistakes when we was increasing this)
- Spell Steal Agh cooldown 4/3/2 -> 6/4/2
- Bristleback's "Bristleback" got overnerf in 3 paragraphs before — 0.1 sec cooldown (prevention crashes, but it's heavy nerf) + percentage nerf + altered mechanic of damage reductions stacking.
- After all of this percentages of BB passive moved back (reverted) from 32/12% to 40/20%.
- Added missing "True strike" on Walrus Punch and Vendetta hits (they can never miss now)
- Walrus Punch lifting time (1 sec) can't be decreased
- Walrus Kick cooldown 12 -> 10 (as on tooltip)
Download: DotA LoD 6.85o5.w3x