DotA 6.79 Download - Official Dota 6.79 Map. After 8 beta maps, IceFrog finally released the official DotA 6.79 map. The long awaited map contains a lot of items and heroes balance with skill remake on Slark, Dazzle, Bloodseeker and some others. But the most important changes is on the gameplay itself. IceFrog now enable Evasion stack, shorten day and night cycle time from 6 into 4 minutes and more exciting changes. And.. The tradition of DoA 6.x9 secret quest also included in this map! Check out the full changelogs and download link below!
Official version Map dota 6.79 has been released now. Comment here to report any bugs you find. Certain bugs can be discovered in single player games while others will require full 5v5 games.
Have fun to all fan of Dota....Icefrog fix all bug and released this map now
Have fun to all fan of Dota....Icefrog fix all bug and released this map now
Link download: Dota v6.79.w3x
Mirror 2: Game2e.com DotA v6.79.zip
Mirror 3: https://www.mediafire.com/?xdjemyl8mj4d7ti
Mirror 2: Game2e.com DotA v6.79.zip
Mirror 3: https://www.mediafire.com/?xdjemyl8mj4d7ti