Showing posts with label Dota map. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dota map. Show all posts

May 09, 2018

DotA Allstars 6.88w1 RGC

DotA Allstars 6.88w1.w3x RGC full changelogs and download 2018
  • Neutral AI improved to non-obs behavior
  • Fixed rare crash with Admiral
  • Fixed random crashes when Slark in game or Smokes of Deceit were used
  • Fixed Upheaval dispelling Linken's Sphere
  • Fixed Bloodlust could target couriers
  • Fixed Global Silence being broken if Aghanim purchuased before it's being learned
  • Fixed swapping wards or performing some other actions causing invisibility to wear off when it shouldn't
  • Added visual effect on Conjure Image illusions to better distinction
  • Improved Toss a little bit, it now always provides full double Avalanche
  • Fixed Psi Blades visual effect pointing invisible units
  • Spin Web can now be manually destroyed
  • Fixed Terrorblade (Metamorphosis) had 3 less max damage
  • Fixed Lycan's Wolves' Cripple could proc on structures and other invalid targets
  • Fixed Overgrowth not providing assists
  • Linken's Sphere now properly re-adds Spell Block on respawn
  • Sleight of Fist no longer interrupt channelings if Xin casts one
See full Changelogs 6.88w1 here: Dota 6.88w1 changelog
Download: DotA Allstars 6.88w1
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March 14, 2018

Dota 6.88v10 (vX)

Map DotA Allstars 6.88vX.w3x RGC download and Getdota 6.88 AI
  • Manabars are now visible for observers too
  • Disable Help now turned off for leavers
  • Fixed damage reduction interaction with Tombstone and Nether Ward hit-counters
  • Fixed attacks from creeps not being registered properly if caused by triggered aggro
  • Improved control disable on Duel and similar skills
  • Icon with Charges amount moved to the left slot
  • Slightly changed damage detection system to work with negative attack damage (Enfeeble)
  • Removed lifesteal animation when attacking towers with illusions
  • Fixed blueish coloring stays on when Frost has been purged
  • Frost Armor (neutral Ogre) no longer has autocast, no longer dispels by spell immunity, debuff duration from 4 to 5 seconds
  • Upgrading Dagon won’t change it’s item position anymore
  • Fixed Orchid didn’t deal damage after it’s duration
  • Fixed Tome of Knowledge sharing cd with no-cd items
  • Fixed instant invis-providing skills not charging Magic Stick for enemies
  • Radiance can no longer affect Roshan
  • See full Changelogs 6.88v5 here: Dota 6.88v10 (vX) changelog
Download: Dota 6.88v10
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November 24, 2017

Dota 6.88v0 - v3

Dota 6.88v0 and v3 Map - Official Dota-Allstars 6.88v3 Download - News and Update. The DotA 6.88 finally appears on the DotA 1 and Dota 2, that means now IceFrog and Valve can concentrate planning the changes for the DotA 6.88u. And as usual, DotA Blog won't let you wait if there's any news about DotA 6.88v. Stay tune on this update page for any slightest hint of the DotA 6.88u

  • Command -betterfps2 now toggles ubersplats off & on
  • Fixed Tome of Knowledge, Raindrop and Flying Courier first-available timing
  • Fixed clicking on Bottle while on cooldown caused camera to move onto the hero
  • Fixed Lens fatal errors
  • Fixed some on-attack passives malfunctioning
  • Fixed Relocate used to ignore Disable help rules
  • Fixed Gush (Agh) didn't benefit of Lens' bonus range
  • Fixed Gush (Agh) providing vision around the wave
  • Fixed Sonic Wave didn't benefit of Lens' bonus range

See full changelogs here: Dota 6.88v0 - v3 changelog

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October 16, 2017

Dota v6.88u6

Dota 6.88u6 Map - Official Dota-Allstars 6.88u4 Download - News and Update. The DotA 6.88 finally appears on the DotA 1 and Dota 2, that means now IceFrog and Valve can concentrate planning the changes for the DotA 6.88u. And as usual, DotA Blog won't let you wait if there's any news about DotA 6.88u. Stay tune on this update page for any slightest hint of the DotA 6.88u

  • Fixed rare fatal related to Earthshaker / Tuskarr
  • Fixed Breath Fire malfunctioning in some cases
  • Fixed Breath Fire didn't benefit of Lens's bonus range
  • Fixed Wave of Terror having bigger range than intended
  • Fixed Lense didn't affect Rolling Boulder, Boulder Smash, Illuminate, Sun Ray, Gush (Agh), Wave of Terror
  • Reworked the way Nerubian Assassin's Agh works. He can now turn around and properly interacts with other abilities as well. No longer has visual issues when casting spells.

See full changelogs here: Dota v6.88u6 changelog

Download: DotA Allstars 6.88u6.w3x (11200.76 kB - downloaded 8521 times.)
Mirror: http://www.game2g.com/forum/dota/dota-v6-88u-download/
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September 24, 2017

Dota v6.88t9

Map Dota v6.88t9 Allstars - Icefrog
  • Fixed Vengeful Spirit Aghanim issues
  • Fixed wards gold abuse
  • Fixed Rolling Boulder faking with Boulder smash
  • Fixed Blackhole and Chronosphere allowed affected units to dispell it's stun for a brief period
  • Fixed manual use of Searing Arrows counting as spell cast
  • Fixed chat commands didn't update Circle of Options abilities
  • Fixed Disable help didn't work on X mark & item attacking
  • Fixed Tempest Double malfunction
  • Minimap background, fog density and colors has been changed back to older version.
Full changelogs: Dota map 6.88t9 changelog

Download: DotA Allstars 6.88t9.w3x (10083.79 kB - downloaded 7512 times.)
Mirror: http://www.game2g.com/forum/dota/dota-v6-88t8-download/
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December 23, 2016

Dota v6.88f download

Map DotA v6.88f Allstars.w3x by Icefrog. Edit and update by DracoL1ch
  • Added sound to Rot and Powershot
  • Fixed Glyph and Scan cooldowns being affected by Octarine core
  • Epicenter and Shockwave no longer causes terrain deformation (helps FPS)
  • Fixed Life Break didn't break in some cases
  • Improved Empower description
  • Fixed Reverse polarity, Thunder clap, Earthshock not being recognized as spell damage
  • Boulder Smash now includes bonus range of Lense
  • Fixed Echo Sabre debuff being non-dispellable
  • Improved Familiar behavior, they will now correctly land first attack (they never had full damage in fact, all the way through wc3 Dota - damage being reduced even before they fired)
  • Improved neutral creeps behavior
See full changelog here: Dota 6.88f full changelog

We will receive bit of info about every fatal error you'll met, if you're playing connected to the internet. Still you'd better to write down about that anyway. This verion been tested on WC31.26, 1.27 is supported but may have some problems.
WC3 1.24 is no longer supported. Map won't run or will crash immediately if used. Think about updating to 1.26 (best patch so far).

Map uses memory patching which may conflict with any kind of anti-cheats on server. Don't get banned - ask admins first. Also map relies on WinAPI, which means it cannot be used on non-Windows OS. You can still try emulators or virtual machines.

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November 10, 2016

Dota v6.88c download

Map Dota v6.88c by Icefrog
  • Fixed Multicast not being disabled under Break
  • Fixed Break not disabling collecting souls with Necromastery
  • Fixed Warpath not being disabled by Break
  • Fixed Riki's Cloak and Dagger being only partially disabled by Break

Tranquil Boots now works properly with Octarine Core and Arcane Rune, both reduce its broken-state duration.
However, its cooldown can still be reset and doing so does not affect its broken state.
Cooldown resetting effects are: Rearm, Refresher Orb and -refresh/-wtf commands (and Supernova, but that one doesn't reset item cooldowns).
We will receive bit of info about every fatal error you'll met, if you're playing connected to the internet. Still you'd better to write down about that anyway. This verion been tested on WC31.26, 1.27 is supported but may have some problems.
WC3 1.24 is no longer supported. Map won't run or will crash immediately if used. Think about updating to 1.26 (best patch so far).

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