January 08, 2014

Map dota v6.79d download

DotA 6.79d Download - Official Dota 6.79d Map. It seems it's not just me who feel that Skeleton King causing some performance issue since the DotA 6.79. Looks like the Vampiric Aura change has some issue that was fixed in this version. IceFrog also fixed the bug when Rubick stealing Shadow Dance. Check out the officialchangelogs as well as the download link in the below:

DotA 6.79d Changelogs
- Fixed a bug that caused significant performance loss when Skeleton King was in the game
- Fixed a bug with Rubick stealing Shadow Dance

Is there anything else you would like to add? especially information about Dota v6.79c latest details and features update. You can share by comment below. Thank you for visiting and see you soon, enjoy!

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