August 26, 2014

Pudge Hook Wars v2.3b AI.w3x

Map Pudge Hook Wars v2.3b + AI by Shadow Flux
Play as Pudge the Butcher and kill other players with your infamous "Meat Hook". Use your gold for useful items, skills with good hook combos or upgrade your Meat Hook's damage or range.

Magic Resistance
How Magic Resistance Works in Pudge Hook Wars

Multiplicative Stacking Nature of Magic Resistance:
(Pudge has an initial Magic Resistance of 25%.)

Formula for damage:
damage taken = damage*(1-resist1)*(1-resist2)...*(1-resistn)
X% Magic Resistance means resist = X/100
where n = total number of effects granting magic resistance.

Let us assume that a 360 damage Meat Hook hits Pudge

Initially, Pudge will receive:
360*(1-0.25) = 270 damage

If he has an item which grants 15% Magic Resistance, the damage he will take is:
360*(1-0.25)*(1-0.15) = 229.5 damage

If he has 2 items which grants 15% Magic Resistance, the damage he will take is:
360*(1-0.25)*(1-0.15)*(1-0.15) = 195.075 damage

If he has an item which grants 15% Magic Resistance and 20% Magic Resistance, he will take
360*(1-0.25)*(1-0.15)*(1-0.20) = 183.6 damage

If he has an item which grants 20% Magic Resistance but has a debuff which gives -15% Magic Resistance, he will take
360*(1-0.25)*(1-0.20)*(1-(-0.15)) = 248.4 damage

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