Minor bug fixes.
Added new items Pandora.
Added new Hero Archmage and Demon Hunter.
Added new Rain Effect.
Changed some model of creep.
Some small buffs to all classes.
Improved Imagine Broads.
Improved graphics(terrain) to bring a better experience.
Improved Render Graphic some effect to 40FPS(smoothness).
Choose wisely 1 out of 4 unique heroes to join the legendary battle arena.
Map Info:
Having great experience with the most battling gameplay ever in Infinity the Battle Core
The legendary Infinity wc3 map now has comeback to our game Warcraft! Get ready to be addicted to the Clash of Eternity
War of destiny between the best heroes who come from every corner of the world. They can be a archer, a mage or even an assassin, fighting against each other to become the last one who can stand on the peak of Onyex, a legendary forest, hiding the most greatest power that god has sealed
- FFA mode
With the your honor and pride, alone, you will have to survive in the Onyex Forest by killing each other, winning this dead or alive fight to be the almighty one
- Team mode
With the helps of ur allies, toghether, you will go on a mythical adventure in the Onyex Forest, battling with frightening monsters, courageous warriors and terrifying enemies.
- Items craft
In your hand with the recipes of many almighty weapons, build your ultimate items so no one can stand against you.
- Fighting Style
With the outstanding playstyle and awesome fighting animations combined with amazing visual effects, Infinity definitely make you more satisfied when killing your enemies
- Wonderful Graphics
Inspite of the old wc3 engine, Infinity surpass that limit to bring you the most satisfying graphic that no other maps can compare. Every perfect details will take you to the most amazing adventure you can have in Warcraft
- Gameplay
Select one from 4 unique heroes to join with you in the battle, then choose 4 out of 12 exclusive abilities to form your strength to fight your enemies.
The possible combinations can go up to 81.
- Systems
+ Fountain Runes
Every 90 second, one of 5 unique runes will appear right in the center of the map, bringing you the greatest power to fight against the enemies
+ High Brush
You can make a great use of these high brushes to hide or ambush the enemies, intensifying the map
+ Anti Hackmap
No one can cheat while playing Infinity, that is ensured. With this system, everyone who uses any map-hacking software will be auto-kicked from the game
+ AI
Computer bots can be your enemy, with the extraordinary calculation, they can skillshot you with 86% accuracy
+ SmartAttackAPI
Melee Heroes now can auto aim the nearby target, making your attack more easier
+ Imagine Broads
Now you can have amazing killing banner like dota2
+ MyDirectionAPI
You can always know where your hero is, with the smart direction
+ VibrateCamAPI
Shaking and Vibrating Camera, bring you the greatest visual effects
+ HeroStepAPI
You can hear the footsteps of each hero, like u're playing CS:GO
Download: Infinity v1.18b.w3x