Map Dragonball Budokai v2.0 - DBB2.0.w3x by Avarize and Dragonias
Dragonball budokai 2.0 changelog:
#LOTS of changes i dont remember from old log that got lost when my PC fried
#Tapion added
#Zangya added
#New models for Frieza's Form 1,2,3 and 4
#Super Saiyan God added to Goku
#Vegeta's mana regen "fixed"
#Vegeta's Bang Beam stun reduced to 2 seconds(down from 4)
#Gohan's Father Son Kamehameha increased range to 1000(up from 700)
#Gotenk's Vice Shout now pings the map where the portal opens
#Gotenk's Vice Shout not only lasts 10 seconds
#Gotenk's Galactic Donut stun decreased to 3 seconds(down from 4)
#Gotenk's Ghost Kamikaze Attack now working properly
#Majin Buu and Buu's Vanishing Beam should no longer leave a trail
#Gogeta's Shining Raid "should" lag less
#Videls Justice Pheonix now only hits once
#Buu's Flame Breath "Should" lag less
#Cell can now get Super Cell by killing Saga Heroes
#Raditz's Shining Friday "Should" lag less
#13's 3D Scan Mode stat gain lowered by 5 and cooldown increased by 30 seconds
#Fasha now lose 3 sanity when attacked, gains 1 when attacks, Powering up restores 10 Sanity per second
#King Vegeta's Tactical Genius health regen lowered
#Big Bang Attack third explosion "bug" removed
#Bigger heroes should now be able to use teleports
#Rocket Boots fixed
#Fasha's Hysteric Saiyan Lady fixed in many ways(lol)
#Can no longer manually revert from Oozaru
#Yamcha's Spirit Ball and Super Spirit Ball duration decreased to 6 seconds(down from 10)
#Leaving players now removed from the game
#Goku's Continuous Kamehameha damage increased to 3.5(Up from 3)
#Chiaotzu's Self Destruct damage decreased to 1.5(down from 3)
#Roshi's Pressure Point Attack stun duration decreased to 2 seconds(down from 4)
#Roshi's Thunder Shock Surprise damage increased to 7.5(up from 5)
#Ginyu's Galaxy Dynamite damage decreased to 0.5(down from 0.75)
#Janemba's Rapid Cannon damage increased to 3(up from 1)
#17's Accel Shot damage increased to 3(up from 2)
#Super Saiyan 3 form added to Vegito
#New Ability, Big Bang Flash added to Vegito
#Shenrong will now get black dragonballs automaticly
#Cell Reworked a bit, no longer need to absorb androids
#New Ability "Bio Impact" added to Cell
#Buu no longer need to absorb heroes
#New Ability "Rapid Fire" added to Piccolo
#New ability "Best Headbutt" added to Krillin
#New Ability "Nova Chariot" added to Cooler
#New Ability "Sauzer Blade" added to Cooler
#New Ability "Genocide Shell" added to Nappa
#Respawn system remade, lookout no longer neutral ground
#Tournament remade, its now 1v1
#Tapion added
#Zangya added
#New models for Frieza's Form 1,2,3 and 4
#Super Saiyan God added to Goku
#Vegeta's mana regen "fixed"
#Vegeta's Bang Beam stun reduced to 2 seconds(down from 4)
#Gohan's Father Son Kamehameha increased range to 1000(up from 700)
#Gotenk's Vice Shout now pings the map where the portal opens
#Gotenk's Vice Shout not only lasts 10 seconds
#Gotenk's Galactic Donut stun decreased to 3 seconds(down from 4)
#Gotenk's Ghost Kamikaze Attack now working properly
#Majin Buu and Buu's Vanishing Beam should no longer leave a trail
#Gogeta's Shining Raid "should" lag less
#Videls Justice Pheonix now only hits once
#Buu's Flame Breath "Should" lag less
#Cell can now get Super Cell by killing Saga Heroes
#Raditz's Shining Friday "Should" lag less
#13's 3D Scan Mode stat gain lowered by 5 and cooldown increased by 30 seconds
#Fasha now lose 3 sanity when attacked, gains 1 when attacks, Powering up restores 10 Sanity per second
#King Vegeta's Tactical Genius health regen lowered
#Big Bang Attack third explosion "bug" removed
#Bigger heroes should now be able to use teleports
#Rocket Boots fixed
#Fasha's Hysteric Saiyan Lady fixed in many ways(lol)
#Can no longer manually revert from Oozaru
#Yamcha's Spirit Ball and Super Spirit Ball duration decreased to 6 seconds(down from 10)
#Leaving players now removed from the game
#Goku's Continuous Kamehameha damage increased to 3.5(Up from 3)
#Chiaotzu's Self Destruct damage decreased to 1.5(down from 3)
#Roshi's Pressure Point Attack stun duration decreased to 2 seconds(down from 4)
#Roshi's Thunder Shock Surprise damage increased to 7.5(up from 5)
#Ginyu's Galaxy Dynamite damage decreased to 0.5(down from 0.75)
#Janemba's Rapid Cannon damage increased to 3(up from 1)
#17's Accel Shot damage increased to 3(up from 2)
#Super Saiyan 3 form added to Vegito
#New Ability, Big Bang Flash added to Vegito
#Shenrong will now get black dragonballs automaticly
#Cell Reworked a bit, no longer need to absorb androids
#New Ability "Bio Impact" added to Cell
#Buu no longer need to absorb heroes
#New Ability "Rapid Fire" added to Piccolo
#New ability "Best Headbutt" added to Krillin
#New Ability "Nova Chariot" added to Cooler
#New Ability "Sauzer Blade" added to Cooler
#New Ability "Genocide Shell" added to Nappa
#Respawn system remade, lookout no longer neutral ground
#Tournament remade, its now 1v1
Download: Dragonball Budokai 2.0