December 13, 2015

Dota 6.85f download

Map DotA v6.85f Allstars.w3x patch update and download
  • Fixed Fog of War appearing if -rs mode used
  • Fixed some modes making some areas untargetable for blinking
  • Fixed -r didn't reset ultimate timer
  • Fixed Roshan obtains armor bonus twice faster than should
  • Fixed Roshan upgrades gave 12 damage instead of 10
  • Fixed Roshan upgrades happened every 5th minute instead of every 4th

Crystal Maiden
  • Fixed Frostbite dealing physical damage instead of magical
  • Fixed Frostbite ignores Linken's Sphere
  • Fixed Freezing Field iteraction with Linken's Sphere
  • Freezing Field perfomance improved slightly
See full changelog here: Dota 6.85f changelog
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