December 17, 2015

Dota 6.85h

Map DotA v6.85h Allstars.w3x by Dragonlich

  • Switch options are now available even if it's game with observers. No idea why it has been disabled before, so use wisely
  • Using -random no longer waste 6 seconds
  • Selling items on -ARDM mode causes 85% gold refund instead of 50% (only lasts 60 seconds after respawn)
  • Updated Black market textures
  • New model for Ironwood Branch
  • Updated models for Bloodrage, Mana Void and Gem of Truesight
  • Added visual effect for Tossed unit
  • Fixed Sentinel fountain attack projectile model
  • Added -si command which toggle displaying every used spell name and ID (useful for custom keys users)
  • Fixed fatal error when buying item into the courier of player who left the game
  • Fixed hero illusions counted as creeps when attacking Tombstone or Nether Ward
See full changelog here: Dota 6.85h changelog
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