March 27, 2016

[Anime]LOCS2 0.8c.w3x

Map LOCS2 - 0.8c by Hirako32

All changes will not fit in a single message, so changing characters and objects I attached a text document.

General changes:
-New Characters (Shiki Nanaya, Kimimaro, Sir Lancelot, Gokudera Hayato)
-neutral-Appear hostile heap, rather than scatter.
-LOC Burst is available only after 15 minutes of play.
-Vozvrascheny Digits damage.
-Vrazhdebnye Units appear on the map after 60 seconds. after selecting Free Pick \ Ban Mode instead of 30 seconds.
-Time Roller before \ after the duel has been changed from 5 to 2 seconds.
-Pereryv Between duels changed from 05:00 to 7:30.
-Taymer Duel appears a moment later.
-Runa Healing works massively in AOE - 500. Restores 1000 units. Health and mana instead of 1500 units. health.
-In The treasury of gold is worth 30 units. gold instead of 20 units.
-key From the treasury worth 1 point. gold instead of 400 units.
-In The treasury can only enter characters.
-Protect Genryusaya (Boss) was changed from 20 to 15 units.
-New System of rewards for the killing.
-After The murder of 150 neutral hostile to each of the pivot locations appears the boss, after killing all the bosses from each spawn, there is the main boss in the middle. With bosses drop the money and the Philosopher's Stone increase of 10 units. all characteristics.
-For bosses count of murder in multibord: King Bradley - 4 Genryusay - 3, Caribou - 2 homunculus - 1
-The number of kills to win changed 25/50/100/150/200 on 25/50/75/100/150
-Dop. attack for 1 unit. the main characteristics of the units equal to 0.50 instead of 1.00 units.
-Health Per unit power of 16 -> 18
-Health All heroes reduced to 100 units.
Heroes -Ataka increased by 25 units.
bandits -Bronya reduced from 4 to 2
Category: Hero Arena
Tileset: Lordaeron Summer
Dimensions: 256x256
Playable Area: 188x190
Recommended Players: 3-9
Size: 8134.6 KB

Is there anything else you would like to add? especially information about LOCS2 - 0.8c latest details and features update. You can share by comment below. Thank you for visiting and see you soon, enjoy!

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