May 23, 2016

Dota 6.83d AI beta 1.5m1

Map Get DotA_v6.83d_AIbeta1.5m1.w3x download
AI maps (map with computer players / bots)
AI = Again Idiots = Art Inspections
Aluminum Injection
Alien Internet
Application Interference

– Fixed Original Master of Wrath A stick disappear Bug
– Bug fixes previous versions because I caused blind replacement text

Only the chosen players (notified by a message) can use the commands. Usually these are Player 1 andPlayer 6.
Use -AIrepick XX command. XX is the number of the slot incomplete AI occupies,
e.x -AIrepick2 , this will make Teal AI player repick his hero.
Note : AI will not lose gold if you use this command.

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