Full RUS language
Storyline: when the map you will see the heroes who are willing to fight under your leadership. By choosing a warrior you navigate to the location of the "Sacred power" , which receive more Quests from locals , the main of which is the quest "Pifi " which informs the heroes that the outside of them happening phenomena caused by nightmares , which materialized in the real time, and their main source of enslaved creatures survived by his heartless and mutilated beings. Due to the fact that the survivors wait for help from anyone - it asks you to save their souls , which asks to go to a wise man and talk to him about the future!
General information:
The author and developer: Akella & BAN /2010-2016/
Category: RPG/ORPG
Language: Full RUS (planned to translate into Eng)
Players: 8
Recomend players: 3-8
Support for PC: no
terrain: Lordaeron summer
Version Warcraft 3 patch: 1.24+
The current version of the map: v9
Game Features:
Game space: a huge world with lots of locations, quests, items (based on recipes included), a large number of Bosses and neutral hostile creeps, non-standard models of units
anti-cheat system (for single game): +
anti-afc system : +
named items: +
save/load system: +
Download: Fantasmagoria RPG v9.w3x