June 05, 2016

Gaias Retaliation ORPG v1.2C

Map Gaias Retaliation ORPG v1.2C fix Created by Todeszwiebel, teh.fellow, muzzel ; Uploaded by: Zwiebelchen

v1.2C is downwards compatible to v1.2B(13).

Note: to import codes of v1.2B(13), use -comp instead of -load!
Only codes of 1.2B(13) are currently supported by the "-comp" command. If you have older codes, load and save them in 1.2B(13) to convert them into the new format!


- You can now explore the Whitepine Mountains for a brand new chapter of Gaias Retaliation
- New items, quests, bosses, events
- Explore the world and find unique rarespawns and treasure chests for interesting loot in duo and even for single players with mercenaries
- Over 30 new recipes
- Find components and build 10 new legendaries
- Updated Extension pack to 1.4: new music, new voice-over, etc

- Fixed a serious flaw in the buff system, causing the struct allocation to get corrupted (very likely responsible for the crashes and permabuff bugs too)
- Fixed a bug with some items (Golden Feather Mantle, Celestial Garments) not showing the right skin texture
- Fixed some weird shadows around the neck of the thief and ranger portrait
- Added some improvements to the ranger portrait (more visible hair)
- Block ability on shields reduced from 20% to 10%
- Bosses with random target abilities will no longer try to target untargetable units
- Fixed a bug that allowed picking both abilities in the first ability choice
- Increased cooldown of Mass Teleport on Overseer again, but kept the reduced time until the first Mass Teleport
- Changed the buff monitor to display charges for Chorus, Divine Fist, Berserker Rage and Deathfire Veil
- Curse of the Vampire will now be displayed on the buff monitor
- Fixed a bug with steel body hotkey on deactivate
- 'Charge' buff will now be removed if the character dismounts
- Hardened Dagger now correctly applies the attackspeed bonus
- The game will now determine the highest level player that had threat on a unit when applying XP gains; if the highest level player is more than 5 levels over the level of the killed creep, XP awarded by that creep is reduced by 10% for each additional level over the creep beyond 5
- Gold gain is not affected by this
- Cleric Quest no longer bugs for other players after the first player wins the event
- 'Inspire' now regenerates a percentage of mana instead of a fixed amount
- 'Song of Vigor' is now based on the caster's agility instead of character level
- XP gain curve from kills now slightly drops off after reaching level 45
- All mercenaries and minions now have their cast points adjusted properly so that channeling spells no longer cast at a slight delay
- Water resistance now properly reduces the duration of frost slow effects
- Poison resistance now properly reduces the duration of poison slow effects
- Fixed a bug with the disenchanting system not being able to disenchant lowlevel armors
- Fixed a bug that caused some legendary soul auras not to display correctly in the stat window
- Psion Level 50 talent changed to only grant 1 point of attackpower every 2 charges of Psionic Blade

If you experience crashes during the loading process, try set your Texture Quality setting to high. That should fix the problem. I also recommend setting Light Quality to high, or you might encounter graphic bugs inside dungeons.

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