November 12, 2016

Animation Fighters v5.5

Map Animation Fighters v5.5 - DMLDV5.5.w3x - Cartoon star scuffle v5.5
Author: Seraphim repair
  • Fixed Ma repair some of the skills cause a crash. Endure four generations 
  • [temporal mark] remove stun. 
  • Miya Shiro [projection projection] redo effect. 
  • Kuchiki Byakuya [broken Tao Sibai Ray] stun time reduced to 1 second cooldown from 20 seconds down to 12 seconds

  • God split fire fabric exclusive active cooldown reduced by the 100-65 seconds added after the end of the duration of empty magic effect. 
  • Uchi Houbara [Susa can almost slash] modify [Susa can almost - two knives dance]
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