November 10, 2016

Dota v6.88c download

Map Dota v6.88c by Icefrog
  • Fixed Multicast not being disabled under Break
  • Fixed Break not disabling collecting souls with Necromastery
  • Fixed Warpath not being disabled by Break
  • Fixed Riki's Cloak and Dagger being only partially disabled by Break

Tranquil Boots now works properly with Octarine Core and Arcane Rune, both reduce its broken-state duration.
However, its cooldown can still be reset and doing so does not affect its broken state.
Cooldown resetting effects are: Rearm, Refresher Orb and -refresh/-wtf commands (and Supernova, but that one doesn't reset item cooldowns).
We will receive bit of info about every fatal error you'll met, if you're playing connected to the internet. Still you'd better to write down about that anyway. This verion been tested on WC31.26, 1.27 is supported but may have some problems.
WC3 1.24 is no longer supported. Map won't run or will crash immediately if used. Think about updating to 1.26 (best patch so far).

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