November 24, 2017

Dota 6.88v0 - v3

Dota 6.88v0 and v3 Map - Official Dota-Allstars 6.88v3 Download - News and Update. The DotA 6.88 finally appears on the DotA 1 and Dota 2, that means now IceFrog and Valve can concentrate planning the changes for the DotA 6.88u. And as usual, DotA Blog won't let you wait if there's any news about DotA 6.88v. Stay tune on this update page for any slightest hint of the DotA 6.88u

  • Command -betterfps2 now toggles ubersplats off & on
  • Fixed Tome of Knowledge, Raindrop and Flying Courier first-available timing
  • Fixed clicking on Bottle while on cooldown caused camera to move onto the hero
  • Fixed Lens fatal errors
  • Fixed some on-attack passives malfunctioning
  • Fixed Relocate used to ignore Disable help rules
  • Fixed Gush (Agh) didn't benefit of Lens' bonus range
  • Fixed Gush (Agh) providing vision around the wave
  • Fixed Sonic Wave didn't benefit of Lens' bonus range

See full changelogs here: Dota 6.88v0 - v3 changelog

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