April 13, 2013

Dota 6.77c AI v1.4b Rev2

Map DotA v6.77c AI 1.4b Rev2.w3x by PleaseBugMeNot

Greetings people! Long time no see! Hopefully you are still alive, waiting for the new AI map
Here we are again with this fine AI map release, thanks to the countless hours of developing time contributed by the AITeam members. This release is having some heavy tweaks to the items system + AI`s having their own courier to bring them the goods. The new heroes got their AI too and the biggest news from the team are... our new developer - Ciel_Asuka. Blending well and adjusting to the script, Ciel will make us all happy.

Also, we sent Green_Sliche to talk with the AIs in person and get their item preferences on list. He did not also bring them to us... but he used his time there to teach the AIs using some of the new and old items.. which they didn`t use yet. With fewer words: Green made all the item builds

Enjoy DotA v6.77c AI 1.4b Rev2, codenamed DOOMSDAY!

CHANGELOG AI 1.4b + Rev2:
Fixed 1v1 bug.
Fixed human's skill-autousage and skill-disable bug.
Fixed bugs in AI engage and engage-cancel system. Now AI should not ignore attacking heroes after cancelling engage.
Fixed bug in SB's Charge of Darkness behaviour. SB can now use Charge to escape.
AI can now Sentry lanes. Increased flag check rate for dust and ward.
Fixed Siren's Rip Tide casting condition.
Fixed Courier not regenerating life/mana in fountain.
Fixed Viscous Nasal Goo.
Greatly improved Courier's behaviour. AI's courier now spawn not directly above fountain to prevent selection masking.
Updated item builds of Tiny, Warlord, Invoker and Ursa.
Fixed bugs in item system, including double boots and several others.
Fixed Heaven’s Halberd's Disarm bug.
Improved sideshopping.
Improved AI behaviour near enemy tower. Now AI should not towerdive recklessly.
Improved AI chasing behaviour.
Improved Riki's behaviour.
Improved defense system.
Improved Razor's Static Link usage.
Added safety measure to prevent Requiem bug.
Various tweaks and fixes.
Fixed a bug with melee/ranged items.
Removed usage of Naga`s ult when Enemy tower is low HP and enemies are near it. Outdated conditions.
Disabled -random when under -pa/-pe
Removed DebugMsgs for Riki
Fixed a bug with the Familiars
Tiny`s Aghanims fixes
Fixed courier's go home delay when it`s master died
Added extra check to prioritize Siege units upon defending
Tweak the condition of Void`s ultimate cast
Fixed some wrong OrderIDs for Void
Fixed Meepo clones triggering sideshop function
Tweaked Diabolic Edict tower code
Tweaked skillbuild for Leshrac
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