Official Map DotA v6.83d.w3x released and download by Icefotg
This map fix bug verson 6.83c - Exploit fix
Dota v6.83c changelogs:
Dota v6.83c changelogs:
- Juggernaut's agility growth reduced from 2.85 to 2.4
- Juggernaut's Healing Ward manacost rescaled from 80/100/120/140 to 120/125/130/135
- Juggernaut's Bladefury manacost rescaled from 110 to 120/110/100/90
- Axe's Berserker's Call no longer affects invulnerable units (like Cycloned units)
- Axe's Berserker's Call no longer keeps the targets disabled if Axe dies while the targets still have the debuff
- Axe's Culling Blade kill threshold reduced from 250/350/450 to 250/325/400 (Scepter from 300/450/625 to 300/425/550)
- Vengeful Spirit's Wave of Terror duration reduced from 20 to 15 seconds
- Lion's Hex unit movement speed reduced from 100 to 140 (same as Scythe of Vyse)