- Fixed gold and experience formulas for hero kills. There were crucial rounding issues.
- Fixed Scourge's 10th player issue with shops
- Fixed Scourge's Glyph issues with cooldown
- Fixed Craggy Exterior, Incapacitating Bite, Headshot and Rikimaru's invisibility can be leveled too early
- Fixed Powershot dealing less damage
- Fixed Spirit Bear Midas being unusable on resummon
- Fixed Spirit Bear being able to use Moon Shard
- Fixed Spirit Bear's Entangle never works
- Fixed Meteor disappearing if Invoker being Purged
- Fixed Void Stone incorrect cost
- Fixed Nightmare vision penalty
- Fixed Suicide Squad Attack damage could kill Techies before he actually explodes (via Blademail for example)
- Fixed some units being healed too fast on fountain
- Fixed First bounty rune gave a bit more exp and gold
- Fixed Broodmother and Spectre's illusions have no vision
- Fixed Arcane Orb can trigger Essence Aura even if Aura is not learned
- Fixed vision bug after Switch
- Fixed Aphotic Shield could dispell Doom's silence effect
- Fixed some spell effects stay after death
- Fixed Overpower's bonus attack speed being removed right before last hit
- Fixed Alchemist didn't get bonus from kills made by skills
- Fixed Ignite with Multicast level 1 had no AoE
- Fixed Armlet giving bonus AS while active
- Fixed Craggy Exterior missing bonus armor
- Fixed networth values over circles didn't support switch
- Fixed Guardian Greaves low-hp bonus
- Fixed Lightning bolt HP bar
- Fixed (until proven wrong) issue when Enchanting unit keeps it's original owner vision
- If game hosted by ghost bot WTF mode become unavailable
- Sentry Wards no longer have small natural vision
- If item being used on leaver's hero it's become locked until cooldown ends
- Autoattack disabling reworked, now it shouldn't mess up AI priority. Advanced testing required
- Cleaned up restricted regions, Force Staff and Rubick got more room to work with
- Magic damage reductions (Cloack, Hood, Pipe) now stacks (6.82 change)
- Reduced Mana Drain drain interval from 1 to 0.1 (6.83 change)
Link download: Dota 6.84a beta 4